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Cabanel Alexandre (5)
Cadell Francis Campbell Boileau (1)
Cagnacci (Canlassi) Guido (1)
Cahn Miriam (1)
Caillebotte Gustave (18)
Calame Alexandre (1)
Calder Alexander (3)
Calligraphy (33)
Cameron Julia Margaret (1)
Camogli Bartolomeo Pellerano da (1)
Campbell Rebecca (14)
Campi Antonio (1)
Campin Robert (5)
Canaletto (Bernardo Bellotto) (9)
Canaletto Giovanni Antonio da Canal (9)
Canova Antonio (1)
Carabin Rupert François Jean-Baptiste (1)
Caravaggio Michelangelo Merisi da (6)
Carrà Carlo (1)
Carroll Lewis (1)
Carus Carl Gustav (3)
Carvalho Gabriela de (14)
Casentino Jacopo del (1)
Cassatt Mary (15)
Cassiers Henri (1)
Catena Vincenzo (1)
Cavallini Pietro (5)
Cecco Gregorio di (1)
Cellini Benvenuto (1)
Cezanne Paul - Cézanne (41)
Chabaud Auguste (3)
Chagall Marc (33)
Chardin J.B. Simeon (4)
Chase William Merrit (1)
Chauveau Francois (1)
Chelko Paul (1)
Children's Paintings (16)
Chinese (21)
Chintreuil Antoine (1)
Chirico Giorgio de (4)
Christus Petrus (2)
Church : Windows (3)
Cissarz Johann Vincenz (1)
Ciurlionis Mikalojus Konstantinas (2)
Claesz Pieter (10)
Claude Lorrain (4)
Clausen George (1)
Cleve van (2)
Cloisters The (5)
Collot d'Herbois Liane (1)
Concejo Joanna (3)
Condo George (1)
ConeglianoGiambattista Cima da (1)
Coninck David de (1)
Constable John (2)
Coombs Hills Laura (1)
Coorte Adriaen (1)
Copley John Singleton (1)
Corcos Vittorio Matteo (1)
Corinth Lovis (30)
Corot Jean-Baptiste Camille (10)
Correggio Antonio Allegri da (1)
Cosimo Pier di (1)
Costa Lorenzo (1)
Courbet Gustave (26)
Cranach Lucas der Ältere (89)
Cranach Lucas the Younger (1)
Crane Walter (3)
Crespi Giovanni Battista (1)
Creuznach Conrad Faber von (1)
Crivelli Carlo (1)
Crivelli Vittorio (Vittore) (1)
Cross Henri-Edmond (2)
Crosthwaite Sally (6)
Cust Lucy Caroline Cockayne (1)
Cuyp Aelbert Jacobsz (4)
Cuyp Jacob Gerritsz. (2)
Masters of the 19th Century
New Masters
Old Masters
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Fine-art prints shop:
Shop > Artists with C > Here you see some of the most favoured art-postcards with "C".
Cabanel Alexandre
born 28. September 1823 in Montpellier - ✝ 23. Januar 1889 in Paris

Fallen Angel , 1847
Oil on Canvas
Musée Fabre, Montpellier

10,5 x 14,8
1,20 €
  VD 8456

Cadell Francis Campbell Boileau
born 12. April 1883 in Edinburgh - ✝ 6. Dec. 1937 in Edinburgh

Still Life , 1915
Oil on Canvas
Dundee Art Galleries and Museums, Dundee

10,5 x 14,8
1,20 €
  VD 2903

Cagnacci (Canlassi) Guido
1606 - 1681 (died in Vienna)

Death of Cleopatra (after 1659)
Oil on Canvas
Kunsthistorisches Museum, Vienna - KHM

10,5 x 14,8
1,10 €
  WoK 260

Caillebotte Gustave
born 19. August 1848 in Paris - ✝ 21. Februar 1894 in Gennevilliers

Garden at Trouville c. 1882
Oil on Canvas
Wallraf-Richartz-Museum, Cologne

10,5 x 14,8
1,20 €
  VD 6840

Calame Alexandre
born 28. Mai 1810 in Arabie, Corsier-sur-Vevey, today part of Vevey - ✝ 19. März 1864 in Menton

Lake of Lucerne , 1855
Oil on Canvas
Abegg-Stiftung, Riggisberg

10,5 x 14,8
1,20 €
  VD 3090


The Holy Family
Karlsruher Landesbibliothek

14,8 x 10,5
1,10 €
  A 210

Cameron Julia Margaret
born 11. June 1815 in Calcutta - ✝ 26. January 1879 in Kalutara, Ceylon

Mrs. Herbert Duckworth , 1867
Städel Museum, Frankfurt

14,8 x 10,5
1,20 €
  VD 6685

Camogli Bartolomeo Pellerano da

Virgin Humility
Gold, Tempera, Canvas

14,8 x 10,5
1,20 €
  R 5002

Campbell Rebecca
Born 1965

Dawn Chorus , 2013
Fine Art Greeting Card + Envelope
Oil on Canvas
Private Collection

12,2 x 17,5
2,98 €
  VD 209218

Campin Robert
born around 1375 in Tournai (✝) - ✝ 26. April 1444 in Tournai

Annunciatioin , 1420
Oil on Wood
Museo del Prado , Madrid

14,8 x 10,5
1,20 €
  RC 1420-02

Canaletto (Bernardo Bellotto)
1720 - 1780 called Bellotto

The Molo in front of the Ducal Palace in Venice
Berlin, Staatliche Museen Preuÿ?. Kulturbesitz ??? Gallery of Fine Arts

10,5 x 14,8
1,10 €
  PK 140

Canaletto Giovanni Antonio da Canal
1697 - 1768 called Canaletto

Reception of an Ambassador in Venice , 1730
Oil on Canvas
Kunsthaus Zurich

10,5 x 14,8
1,20 €
  VD 5091

Canova Antonio
born 1. November 1757 in Possagno bei Bassano del Grappa - ✝ 13. Oktober 1822 in Venedig

Cupid and Psyche (Detail) , 1793
Musée du Louvre, Paris

14,8 x 10,5
1,20 €
  VD 8603

Carabin Rupert François Jean-Baptiste
1862 - 1932

The Dancer Loïe Fuller , c. 1896/97
Bavarian Staatsgemaeldesammlungen (New Pinakotheque) Munich

10,5 x 14,8
1,20 €
  VD 6376

Caravaggio Michelangelo Merisi da
born 29. September 1571 in Mailand in der Lombardei - ✝ 18. Juli 1610 in Porto Ercole am Monte Argentario

Resurrection of Christ

14,8 x 10,5
1,10 €
  JKL 326

Carrà Carlo
born 11. Februar 1881 in Quargnento (Provinz Alessandria) - ✝ 13. April 1966 in Milano

The Girl from the West , 1919
Oil on Canvas
Kunstsammlung Nordrhein-Westfalen, Düsseldorf

14,8 x 10,5
1,20 €
  VD 3437

Carroll Lewis
born 27. January 1832 in Daresbury - ✝ 14. January 1898 in Guildford

Städel Museum, Frankfurt

Alexandra 'Xie' Kitchin as Chinese 'Tea-Merchant' (On Duty) , 1873

14,8 x 10,5
1,20 €
  VD 6769

Carus Carl Gustav
born 3. Januar 1789 in Leipzig - ✝ 28. Juli 1869 in Dresden

Boat Trip on the Elbe at Dresden , 1827
Oil on Canvas
Kunstmuseum Düsseldorf

14,8 x 10,5
1,20 €
  VD 3127

Carvalho Gabriela de
born 1961 in São Paulo, Brasilien

Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs
From the Brothers Grimm fairy tale

14,8 x 10,5
1,20 €
  R 3734

Casentino Jacopo del
born around1297 - † after 1349
auch Jacopo Landino oder Jacopo da Prato Vecchio, möglicherweise je nach Beinamen aus Pratovecchio oder Casentino

Oil on Wood
Allen Memorial Art Museum, Oberlin College

14,8 x 10,5
1,10 €
  JKL A399

Cassatt Mary
1845 - 1926

Children Playing on the Beach , 1884
Fine Art Greeting Card + Envelope
Oil on Canvas
National Gallery of Art, Washington

17,5 x 12,2
2,98 €
  VD 204400

Cassiers Henri
1858 - 1944

Red Star Line. Antwerpen - New York , 1901
Colour Lithography
Hessisches Landesmuseum, Darmstadt

14,8 x 10,5
1,20 €
  VD 8955

Catena Vincenzo
born circa 1470/80 in Venice - ✝ circa September 1531 in Venice

Saint Jerome in his Study , ca. 1513-1515
Poplar Wood
Städel Museum, Frankfurt

10,5 x 14,8
1,20 €
  VD 6730

Cavallini Pietro
born around 1250 in Rome - ✝ around 1330 in Rome

The Annunciation , around 1291
S.Maria in Trastevere, Rom

10,5 x 14,8
1,20 €
  R 4034

Cecco Gregorio di
around 1389-1424

Madonna with Angels and Saints
Distemper and gold on Wood
Liechtenstein Museum, Vienna

14,8 x 10,5
1,20 €
  VD 7130

Cellini Benvenuto
born 3. November 1500 in Florenz - ✝ 13. Februar 1571 in Florenz

Saliera - Salt Cellar
Kunsthistorisches Museum, Vienna - KHM

10,5 x 14,8
1,10 €
  WoK 9103

Cezanne Paul - Cézanne
born 19. Januar 1839 in Aix-en-Provence - † 22. Oktober 1906 in Aix-en-Provence

La Montagne Sainte-Victoire , 1902/06
Fine Art Greeting Card + Envelope
Oil on Canvas
Kunsthaus Zurich

12,2 x 17,5
2,98 €
  VD 208388

Cezanne Paul - Cézanne
born 19. Januar 1839 in Aix-en-Provence - † 22. Oktober 1906 in Aix-en-Provence

Boy with red vest , 1894/95
Fine Art Greeting Card + Envelope
Oil on Canvas
Collectioin E. G. Bührle, Zurich

17,5 x 12,2
2,98 €
  VD 202656

Chabaud Auguste
1882 - 1955

The white Road , 1924/25
Oil on Cardboard

10,5 x 14,8
1,20 €
  VD 4460

Chagall Marc
born 24. Juni 1887 in Peskowatik near Witebsk, Russisches Kaiserreich, today Weißrussland - † 28. März 1985 in Saint-Paul-de-Vence, France

Bride and Groom , 1927
Fine Art Greeting Card + Envelope
Oil on Canvas
Private Collection

17,5 x 12,2
2,98 €
  VD 2200071

Chagall Marc
born 24. Juni 1887 in Peskowatik near Witebsk, Russisches Kaiserreich, today Weißrussland - † 28. März 1985 in Saint-Paul-de-Vence, France

Lovers in Vence , 1957
Fine Art Greeting Card + Envelope
Oil on Canvas
Private Collection

12,2 x 17,5
2,98 €
  VD 209248

Chardin J.B. Simeon
1699 - 1779

Still Life with Tankard
Karlsruhe, Staatliche Kunsthalle . Also available as an art print (Piperdruck) : order no. PD 172

14,8 x 10,5
1,10 €
  PK 172

Chase William Merrit
1849 - 1916

The Kimono , 1895
Oil on Canvas
CollectionThyssen-Bornemisza, Madrid

10,5 x 14,8
1,20 €
  VD 3863

Chauveau Francois
1613 - 1676

Riding Donzels

14,8 x 10,5
1,10 €
  A 155

Chelko Paul
born 1934

Hearts II
Fine Art Greeting Card + Envelope
Private Collection

12,2 x 17,5
2,98 €
  VD 204598

Children's Paintings

Shipping a Giraffe

10,5 x 14,8
1,10 €
  KK 10


Goddess of the West Mountains
16th Century

14,8 x 10,5
1,10 €
  A 232

Chintreuil Antoine
born 15. Mai 1814 in Pont-de-Vaux - † 8. August 1873 in Septeuil

The Rain Shower (c. 1868)
Oil on Canvas
Städel Museum, Frankfurt am Main

10,5 x 14,8
1,20 €
  VD 9085

Chirico Giorgio de
born 10. Juli 1888 in Volos, Greece - ✝ 19. November 1978 in Rome . also Giorgio Di Chirico

At the Sea , 1925
Oil on Canvas
MUMOK Stiftung Ludwig Vienna

14,8 x 10,5
1,20 €
  VD 5831

Christus Petrus
born around 1410/1420 in Baarle - ✝ around 1473 in Bruegge

Annunciation (Detail of an Altar)
Oil on Canvas . Staatliche Museen zu Berlin - Gemäldegalerie

14,8 x 10,5
1,20 €
  VD 5380

Church : Windows

King David

14,8 x 10,5
1,10 €
  MKL 127

Cissarz Johann Vincenz
geb. 22. Januar 1873 in Danzig - † 22. Dezember 1942 in Frankfurt am Main

Bad Nauheim , 1904
Colour Lithography
Hessisches Landesmuseum, Darmstadt

14,8 x 10,5
1,20 €
  VD 8956

Clausen George
1852 - 1944

Reading by Lamplight
Oil on Canvas . Leeds City Art Gallery

14,8 x 10,5
1,20 €
  VD 395

Cleve van

Altarpiece - Triptychon

10,5 x 14,8
1,10 €
  JKL 33

Cloisters The

The Cloisters - Cloister with Garden

14,8 x 10,5
1,10 €
  MKL 190

ConeglianoGiambattista Cima da
ca.1459 - 1517 - Early Renaissance


10,5 x 14,8
1,10 €
  JKL 160

Constable John
1776 - 1837

The Millstream
Museum Ipswich / England . Also available as an art print (Piperdruck) : order no. PD 246

10,5 x 14,8
1,10 €
  PK 246

Coombs Hills Laura
1859 - 1952

Yellow Pansies
Fine Art Greeting Card + Envelope
Oil on Pasteboard
Private Collection

12,2 x 17,5
2,98 €
  VD 209228

Copley John Singleton
1738 - 1815 . American Colonial Era Painter

Portrait Nathaniel Hurd

14,8 x 10,5
1,10 €
  JKL 133

Corot Jean-Baptiste Camille
1796 - 1875

The Waggon in the Dunes
Mannheim, Städtische Kunsthalle . Also available as an art print (Piperdruck) : order no. PD 110

10,5 x 14,8
1,10 €
  PK 110

Correggio Antonio Allegri da
ca. 1494 - 1534

St. Catharine

14,8 x 10,5
1,10 €
  JKL 302

Cosimo Pier di
1462 - 1521 Florentiner Schule

A Hunting Scene

10,5 x 14,8
1,10 €
  MKL 163

Costa Lorenzo
1460 - 1535

Dresden, Staatliche Kunstsammlungen Old Masters . Also available as an art print (Piperdruck) : order no. PD 64

14,8 x 10,5
1,10 €
  PK 64

Cranach Lucas der Ältere
1472 - 1553

Rest on the Flight into Egypt
Berlin, Staatliche Museen - Gemäldegalerie . Also available as an art print (Piperdruck) : order no. PD 30

14,8 x 10,5
1,10 €
  PK 30

Crane Walter
born 15. August 1845 in Liverpool - ✝ 14. März 1915 in Horsham, West Sussex

The Horses of Neptune , 1892
Oil on Canvas
Bavarian Staatsgemaeldesammlungen (New Pinakotheque) Munich

10,5 x 14,8
1,20 €
  VD 6349

Cross Henri-Edmond
born 20. Mai 1856 in Douai - † 16. Mai 1910 in Saint-Clair (Var)
actual Henri-Edmond Delacroix

Landscape in Provence , 1898
Oil on Canvas
Wallraf-Richartz-Museum & Fondation Corboud, Cologne

10,5 x 14,8
1,20 €
  VD 6964

Crosthwaite Sally

Gladiolus and Iris Sibirica
Watercolour on Paper
Private Collection

14,8 x 10,5
1,20 €
  VD 8868

Cust Lucy Caroline Cockayne
1818 ✝ 1844 , British

Paeonia suffructicosa , 1815
Fine Art Greeting Card + Envelope
Water Colour
Fitzwilliam Museum, Cambridge

12,2 x 17,5
2,98 €
  VD 2200131

Cuyp Aelbert Jacobsz
born in Dordrecht, baptized end of October 1620 - ✝ in Dordrecht,, burried 15th of November, 1691

Thunderstorm over Dordrecht, around 1645
Oil on oak wood
Stiftung Sammlung E.G. Bührle Zürich

10,5 x 14,8
1,20 €
  VD 5798

Cuyp Jacob Gerritsz.
born December 1594 in Dordrecht - ✝ 1652 in Dordrecht

Two Jaguars , 1639
Oil on Oak Wood
Kunsthaus Zürich, Zurich

10,5 x 14,8
1,20 €
  VD 8433

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