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Rabuzin Ivan (8)
Radziwill Franz (7)
Rainer Arnulf (4)
Raphael (Raphaele Santi) (37)
Rath (2)
Rauch Neo (1)
Rauschenberg Robert Milton Ernest (2)
Ray Man (5)
Raysse Martial (1)
Rebell Josef (1)
Rebhan Dominik (1)
Redon Odilon (18)
Redouté Pierre-Joseph (13)
Ree Anita (1)
Reichel Hans (2)
Reinhard Carl Raphael (1)
Reinhart Johann Christian (4)
Rembrandt Harmensz. van Rijn (51)
Remmelin Johann (1)
Reni Guido (1)
Renoir Pierre-Auguste (64)
Rensch Ernst the Elder (1)
Reuther (11)
Rheinsberg Raffael (1)
Ribarz Rudolf (1)
Ricci Sebastiano (1)
Rice Elizabeth (2)
Richter Adrian Ludwig (8)
Richter Daniel (1)
Richter Gerhard (1)
Rieder Wilhelm August (1)
Riess Paul (2)
Rieth Paul (1)
Rigaud Hyacinthe (1)
Righini Sigismund (1)
Riley Bridget (9)
Ring t.Y. Ludger tom (2)
Rippl-Rónai József (1)
Robert Hubert (1)
Robert Nicolas (5)
Robertson Hans (1)
Rodin Auguste (21)
Roesch Carl (3)
Rohlfs Christian (9)
Romako Anton (5)
Romney George (3)
Roos Johann Heinrich (1)
Rosa Salvator (1)
Rosa Saverio dalla (1)
Rosado Puig (3)
Rosenthal Toby Edward (1)
Rossetti Dante Gabriel (2)
Rosso Medardo (1)
Rota Martino (1)
Rothenbühler E. (1)
Rothko Mark (18)
Rottmann Carl (6)
Rouault Georges (1)
Rousseau Henri (4)
Rubens Peter Paul (64)
Rubljew Andrei (2)
Ruisdael Jacob van (4)
Runge Philipp Otto (11)
Russ Leander (1)
Ruysch Rachel (3)
Ruysdael Salomon van (1)
Ryckaert David (2)
Rysselberghe Theo van (1)
Masters of the 19th Century
New Masters
Old Masters
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Fine-art prints shop:
Shop > Artists with R > Here you see some of the most favoured art-postcards with "R".
Radziwill Franz
1895 (Strohhausen/Rodenkchn.) - 1983 (Varel-Dangast)

Can with Red Pink
Also available as an art print (Piperdruck) : order no. PD 261

14,8 x 10,5
1,10 €
  PK 261

Raphael (Raphaele Santi)
1483 (Urbino) - 1520 (Rome)

The two Angels - Detail from "Sixtinische Madonna"
Oil on Canvas
Dresden ??? Staatliche Kunstsammlungen - Gemäldegalerie, Old Masters

10,5 x 14,8
1,20 €
  VD 4498


Lyric Impression

14,8 x 10,5
1,10 €
  SK 86

Ray Man
born 27. August 1890 in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania - ✝ 18. November 1976 in Paris
(actual Emmanuel Rudnitzky or Emmanuel Radnitzky)

Ingre's Violin , 1924
Gelatin Silver Print

14,8 x 10,5
1,20 €
  VD 8698

Rebell Josef
* 11th of Jan., 1787 in Vienna - ✝ 18th of Dec., 1828 in Dresden

The Port of Portici near Naples . 1819
Oil on Canvas . Austrian Gallery in the Upper Belvedere, Vienna

10,5 x 14,8
1,10 €
  WK 468

Redon Odilon
1840 - 1916

Vase of Flowers - 1865
Musée du Louvre, Paris . Also available as a poster : order no. SH 1083

14,8 x 10,5
1,10 €
  A 235

Rembrandt Harmensz. van Rijn
1606 - 1669

Christ and the Disciples at Emmaus
Musée du Louvre, Paris . Also available as an art print (Piperdruck) : order no. PD 69

14,8 x 10,5
1,10 €
  PK 69

Rembrandt Harmensz. van Rijn
1606 - 1669

The Adoration of the Shepherds , 1646
Oil on Canvas . Bavarian Staatsgemaeldesammlungen (Old Pinakotheque) Munich

14,8 x 10,5
1,20 €
  VD 6049

Renoir Pierre-Auguste
1841 (Limoges) - 1919 (Cagnes bei Nizza)

La petite Irène Cahen , 1880
Fine Art Greeting Card + Envelope
Oil on Canvas
Collection E.G.Bührle, Zurich

17,5 x 12,2
2,98 €
  VD 202662

Renoir Pierre-Auguste
1841 (Limoges) - 1919 (Cagnes bei Nizza)

Portrait of a Young Woman (Young Lady in White) ,1901
Oil on Canvas
Collection G. & W. Merzbacher (Dauerleihgabe im Kunsthaus Zürich)

14,8 x 10,5
1,20 €
  VD 7533

Renoir Pierre-Auguste
1841 (Limoges) - 1919 (Cagnes bei Nizza)

Bouquet of Chrysanthemums
Musée des Beaux Arts, Rouen - France . Also available as an art print : order no. G 164

14,8 x 10,5
1,10 €
  A 273



14,8 x 10,5
1,10 €
  A 236

Richter Adrian Ludwig
1803 - 1884

Well in the Woods near Ariccia
Berlin, Staatliche Museen Preuÿ?. Kulturbesitz ??? Gallery of Fine Arts . Also available as an art print (Piperdruck) : order no. PD 126

10,5 x 14,8
1,10 €
  PK 126

Riley Bridget
born 24. April 1931 in London

Corn flower , 1982
Oil on Canvas . Private Collection

14,8 x 10,5
1,20 €
  VD 5900

Robert Hubert
1733 - 1808

The Bath-Basin

14,8 x 10,5
1,10 €
  MKL 74

Rodin Auguste
born 12. November 1840, Paris - ✝ 17. November 1917, Meudon

The Kiss , 1899
Marble . Musée Rodin Paris

14,8 x 10,5
1,20 €
  VD 8077

Rodin Auguste
born 12. November 1840, Paris - ✝ 17. November 1917, Meudon

The Thinker , 1889
Fine Art Greeting Card + Envelope
Ateneum Art Museum, Helsinki

17,5 x 12,2
2,98 €
  VD 2200169

Rohlfs Christian
1849 - 1938

Still Life
Also available as an art print (Piperdruck) : order no. PD 195

10,5 x 14,8
1,10 €
  PK 195

Romney George
1734 - 1802

The Willet Children

14,8 x 10,5
1,10 €
  JKL 150

Rosa Saverio dalla
1745 - 1821

Mazart at the Age of Fourteen, Verona 1770
Copy . Archiv für Kunst und Geschichte, Berlin

14,8 x 10,5
1,10 €
  WoK 6821

Rossetti Dante Gabriel
born 12th of May, 1828 in London; ✝ 9th of April, 1882 in Birchington-on-Sea, Kent

Beate Beatrix

14,8 x 10,5
1,10 €
  JKL 227

Rota Martino
around 1520 - 1583

Portrait Emperor Rudolf II.
Oil on Canvas . Kunsthistorisches Museum Vienna

14,8 x 10,5
1,10 €
  WoK 3902

Rothko Mark
born 25. September 1903 in Daugavpils (deutsch: Dünaburg), Lettland als Marcus Rothkowitz - ✝ 25. Februar 1970 in New York

Green and Tangerine on Red (1956)
Oil on Canvas
The Phillips Collection, Washington D.C.

14,8 x 10,5
1,20 €
  VD 5262

Rottmann Carl
1797 - 1850

Sykion und Korinth
Also available as an art print (Piperdruck) : order no. PD 271

10,5 x 14,8
1,10 €
  PK 271

Rousseau Henri
born 21. Mai 1844 in Laval (Mayenne), Frankreich - ✝ 2. September 1910 in Paris, Frankreich

Tropical Forest with Monkeys, 1910
Oil on Canvas . National Gallery of Art, Washington

10,5 x 14,8
1,20 €
  VD 4398

Rubens Peter Paul
born 28. Juni 1577 in Siegen - † 30. Mai 1640 in Antwerpen

Niklas Rubens - in the age of two years
Albertina, Vienna . Also available as an art print : order no. H 41

14,8 x 10,5
1,10 €
  A 16

Rubljew Andrei
about 1360 - about 1430

The Holy Trinity
Tretjakow-Gallery, Moscow . Also available as an art print : order no. M 1213

14,8 x 10,5
1,10 €
  PK 88

Ruisdael Jacob van
1628 - 1682

The Heart of the Forest
Kunsthistorisches Museum, Vienna . Also available as an art print (Piperdruck) : order no. PD 130

10,5 x 14,8
1,10 €
  PK 130

Runge Philipp Otto
1777 - 1810

Playing Children

10,5 x 14,8
1,10 €
  PK 66

Russ Leander
born 25. November 1809 in Vienna - ✝ 8. März 1864 in Kaltenleutgeben or Vienna

Train Late in the Evening , 1847
Oil on Canvas . Wien Museum, Vienna

10,5 x 14,8
1,10 €
  WoK 6746

Ruysch Rachel
1664 - 1750

Oil on Canvas . Liechtenstein Museum Vienna

14,8 x 10,5
1,10 €
  WoK 2435

Rysselberghe Theo van
actual Théophile van Rysselberghe
born 23. November 1862 in Gent - † 13. Dezember 1926 in Saint-Clair bei Le Lavandou, Frankreich

Port of Cette (now Sète), Fishing Boats , 1892
Oil on Canvas
Private Collection

10,5 x 14,8
1,20 €
  VD 8928

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