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Fabriano Gentile da (6)
Fabritius (2)
Faistauer Anton (1)
Faivre Jules Abel (1)
Falconet Etienne-Maurice (1)
Fantin-Latour Henri (7)
Fautrier Jean (1)
Fayum Mumien (2)
Fei Paolo Di Giovanni (1)
Feininger Lyonel (13)
Fendi Peter (7)
Fenneker Joseph (1)
Ferner Michael (15)
Ferrara (1)
Ferrari Gaudenzio (3)
Fetting Rainer (1)
Feuerbach Anselm (13)
Fiesole Mino da (1)
Finsler Hans (1)
Fiorentino Rosso (5)
Fischer Konrad (1)
Fischli Peter (3)
Flamen Albert (1)
Flavin Dan (5)
Fleck Karl Anton (1)
Flegel Georg (29)
Folon Jean-Michel (7)
Fontana Lucio (2)
Foppa Vincenzo (1)
Ford Peter A. (1)
Förg Günther (1)
Forstner Leopold (9)
Foujita Tsugouharu (11)
Fra Angelico (15)
Fragonard Jean-Honoré (4)
Francesca Piero della (1)
Francia Francesco (1)
François André (1)
Frerk Peter (14)
Freud Lucian (1)
Freundlich Otto (4)
Frey Theo (1)
Friedrich Caspar David (94)
Fries Adrian de - also de Vries (1)
Fries Hans (1)
Fritsch Katharina (1)
Fronius Hans (6)
Fuchs Ernst (7)
Führich Joseph von (1)
Fukuda Heihachiro (1)
Fukui Sawato (4)
Füssli Johann Heinrich (5)
Masters of the 19th Century
New Masters
Old Masters
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Fine-art prints shop:
Shop > Artists with F > Here you see some of the most favoured art-postcards with "F".
Fabriano Gentile da
actual Gentile di Nicolò Massio . born around1370 or araound 1385 in Fabriano - ✝ 1. August 1427 in Rom

Coronation of St. Mary
Akademie der bildenden Künste, Vienna

14,8 x 10,5
1,10 €
  WoK 2057


Eli and Samuel

14,8 x 10,5
1,10 €
  JKL 333

Faistauer Anton
1887 (St.Martin-Sbg.) - 1930 (Vienna)

Lady with Dark Hat , 1917

17,5 x 12,0
1,50 €
  LMK 112

Fantin-Latour Henri
1836 (Grenoble) - 1904 (Buré - Orne)

Flowers in a Basket
Kunsthalle, Hamburg . Also available as an art print (Piperdruck) : order no. PD 124

10,5 x 14,8
1,10 €
  PK 124

Fayum Mumien

La Dame du Fayum

14,8 x 10,5
1,10 €
  A 141

Feininger Lyonel
born 17. Juli 1871 in New York - † 13. Januar 1956 in New York

The Grain Tower at Treptow on the Rega , 1928
Oil on Canvas
Hessisches Landesmuseum Darmstadt

14,8 x 10,5
1,20 €
  VD 2519

Feininger Lyonel
born 17. Juli 1871 in New York - † 13. Januar 1956 in New York

Gelmeroda IX , 1926
Oil on Canvas . Folkwang Museum, Essen

14,8 x 10,5
1,20 €
  VD 4718

Fendi Peter
1796 - 1842

Mother with Playing Children

10,5 x 14,8
1,10 €
  A 271

Ferner Michael
born 1969

Playing the Piano or The Colours of Music , 1995
Mixed techniques on Fabriano
Private Collection

10,5 x 14,8
1,20 €
  VD 5620


Madonna with the Lily

14,8 x 10,5
1,10 €
  JKL 386

Flavin Dan
actual Daniel Nicholas Flavin . born 1. April 1933 in Jamaica, New York - ✝ 29. November 1996 in Riverhead, New York, USA

Untitled (in honor of Harold Joachim) 3 , 1977
Pink, yellow, blue and green fluorescent light . Private Collection

14,8 x 10,5
1,20 €
  VD 8065

Flegel Georg
born 1566 in Olmütz - † 23. März 1638 in Frankfurt am Main

Rose and two Pears
Fine Art Greeting Card + Envelope
Watercolours and Body Colours on Paper
Kupferstichkabinett Berlin

17,5 x 12,2
2,98 €
  VD 2200060

Fontana Lucio
born 19. Februar 1899 in Rosario (Argentinien) - ✝ 7. September 1968 in Comabbio bei Varese

59 T 132, Attese - Expectations , 1959
Oil on Canvas
Bavarian Staatsgemaeldesammlungen (New Pinakotheque) Munich

14,8 x 10,5
1,20 €
  VD 6206

Ford Peter A.
born 1937

Fine Art Greeting Card + Envelope
Relief printing on handmade paper
Private Collection

17,5 x 12,2
2,98 €
  VD 209297

Forstner Leopold
1878 - 1936

Mosaik mit Glas, Perlmutter und Metall . Ziselieerung der Figur von Oskar Thiede, 1908

14,8 x 10,5
1,10 €
  WK 567

Foujita Tsugouharu
1886 - 1968

Café , 1949
Oil on Canvas
Musée Nationale d'art Moderne Centre G.Pompidou, Paris

14,8 x 10,5
1,20 €
  VD 2838

Fra Angelico
geb. zwischen 1386 und 1400 in Vicchio bei Florenz - ✝ 18. Februar 1455 in Rom

The Angel of the Annunciation , c. 1420/25
on poplar
Bavarian Staatsgemaeldesammlungen (Old Pinakotheque) Munich

14,8 x 10,5
1,20 €
  VD 6416

Fragonard Jean-Honoré
1732 (Grasse) - 1806 (Paris)

Girl with a Marmot
Albertina, Vienna . Also available as an art print : order no. F 25

14,8 x 10,5
1,10 €
  A 46

Francesca Piero della
ca 1415 - 1492

Musizierende Engel ( Ausschnitt Geburt Christi)
London, The National Gallery . Also available as an art print (Piperdruck) : order no. PD 180

14,8 x 10,5
1,10 €
  PK 180

Freundlich Otto
born 10. Juli 1878 in Stolp, Pommern - ✝ 9. März 1943 im KZ Lublin-Majdanek

Composition autour de deux plans noir et gris,1942
Bodycolours on Cardboard
Staatliche Graphische Sammlung München, München

14,8 x 10,5
1,20 €
  VD 6286

Friedrich Caspar David
1774 (Greifswald) - 1840 (Dresden)

Firs in the Snow , 1828
Fine Art Greeting Card + Envelope
Oil on Canvas
New Pinakotheque, Munich

17,5 x 12,2
2,98 €
  VD 206023

Friedrich Caspar David
1774 (Greifswald) - 1840 (Dresden)

New-ploughed Field , c. 1830
Oil on Canvas . Hamburger Kunsthalle

10,5 x 14,8
1,20 €
  VD 8033

Fronius Hans
* 12. September 1903 in Sarajevo, ✝ 21. März 1988 in Mödling

New York, 1980
Oil on Canvas

10,5 x 14,8
1,10 €
  WK 555

Fukui Sawato
born 1937

Confederate Roses , 1982
Mineral Pigment on Paper . Private Collection

10,5 x 14,8
1,20 €
  VD 4486

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