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Ma Yuanyu (1)
Maar Dora (1)
Mabuse Jan Gossaert (3)
Macke August (30)
Macke Helmuth (1)
Macketanz (2)
Maes Nicolaes (1)
Magritte René (1)
Mähler Willibrord Joseph (1)
Makart Hans (6)
Malewitsch Kasimir Sewerinowitsch (4)
Manet Édouard (39)
Manguin Henri Charles (3)
Mann Alexander (1)
Mante Harald (1)
Mantegna Andrea (3)
Mányoki Adám (1)
Maratta Carlo (1)
Marc Franz (59)
Marées Hans von (4)
Marin J. (1)
Marini Marino (4)
Marquet Albert (4)
Marti Walter (1)
Martin Henri (1)
Martin Pierre (1)
Martini Simone (4)
Marville Charles (1)
Masereel Frans (1)
Massone (1)
Massys Jan (1)
Massys Quentin (2)
Master / Moulins (2)
Master Francke (5)
Master Martin (german) (2)
Master of "Perle von Brabant" (1)
Master of Cologne (2)
Master of Flémalle (Robert Campin) (9)
Master of Notnamen (1)
Master of Nuremberg (1)
Master of Saint Veronika (3)
Master of Salzburg (1)
Master of the "Albrechtsaltar" (1)
Master of the "Karlsruher Passion" (1)
Master of the "Münchner Marientafeln" (2)
Master of the Bartholomaeus-Altar (4)
Master of the Female Half-Length (2)
Master of the Gorification of the Virgin Mary (1)
Master of the Life of Mary (3)
Master of the Lyversberg-Passion (2)
Master of the Monastery Schotten - Vienna (2)
Master of the tiburtine Sibylle (1)
Master of the Ursula-Lagend (2)
Master of the Viennese Adoration (1)
Master of Vienna (1)
Master Thomas von Villach (6)
Matisse Henri (34)
Mattheuer Wolfgang (1)
Maulbertsch Franz Anton (1)
Mayr Johann Ulrich (1)
McBride Will (4)
Meese Jonathan (1)
Meister der Estensischen Bibel (1)
Meister des Hausbuches (2)
Melchers (1)
Meldolla (1)
Meléndez Luis Eugenio (1)
Melozzo da Forli (5)
Melzl Stephan (1)
Memling Hans (17)
Menzel Adolph von (Friedrich Erdmann) (11)
Merian Maria Sibylla (93)
Merz Mario (1)
Messerschmidt Franz Xaver (5)
Messina da (2)
Metzinger Jean (1)
Meuron Louis Henri de (1)
Meyerheim Paul (1)
Meytens Martin von (1)
Michel Georges (1)
Michelangelo Buonarroti (7)
Mieris W.van (1)
Mignon Abraham (2)
Millais Sir John Everett (1)
Millet Jean-François (10)
Minckwitz M.von (5)
Miniature (2)
Miniature from the National Bibliotheque Vienna (3)
Miniatures (17)
Miró Joan - Miro (9)
Miseroni Ottavio (3)
Miyamoto Ryuji (1)
Modena Barnaba da (1)
Modersohn Otto (2)
Modersohn-Becker Paula (16)
Modigliani Amedeo (9)
Moessmer F. - Pohl W. (1)
Moghul School (5)
Moholy-Nagy László (1)
Moilliet Louis (3)
Moldovan Kurt (5)
Molenaer Jan Miense (1)
Moll Carl (1)
Momper the Younger Joos de (3)
Mondrian Piet (10)
Monet Claude (123)
Montagna Bart. (1)
Moore Henry (1)
Moore Megan (1)
Morandi Giorgio (7)
Morgan William de (1)
Morgenthaler Ernst (1)
Morisot Berthe (15)
Morris William (10)
Moser Koloman - called Kolo Moser (11)
Mosnier Jean Laurent (1)
Motherwell Robert (1)
Mozarteum, Salzburg (4)
Mucha Alfons (3)
Mu-Ch'i (2)
Mueller Friedrich Wilhelm (1)
Mueller Otto (8)
Mueller-Hufschmidt (1)
Muenter Gabriele (5)
Müller Albert (1)
Müller C. (1)
Müller Victor (2)
Munch Edvard (17)
Murillo Bartolomé Esteban (17)
Muthspiel Agnes (3)
Masters of the 19th Century
New Masters
Old Masters
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Shop > Artists with M > Here you see some of the most favoured art-postcards with "M".
Mabuse Jan Gossaert
ca. 1470 - 1541

Madonna and Child

14,8 x 10,5
1,10 €
  JKL 387


Peasant's Meal

14,8 x 10,5
1,10 €
  SK 82

Makart Hans
1840 - 1884

The Smell (Detail)
Oil on Canvas

14,8 x 10,5
1,10 €
  WK 647

Manet Édouard
born 23. Januar 1832 in Paris - † 30. April 1883 in Paris

Flowers in a Crystal Vase , around 1882
Fine Art Greeting Card + Envelope
Oil on Canvas
National Gallery of Art, Washington

17,5 x 12,2
2,98 €
  VD 204402

Mantegna Andrea
1431 - 1506

Adoration of the Shepherds

10,5 x 14,8
1,10 €
  MKL 131

Marc Franz
born 8. Februar 1880 in München - † 4. März 1916 in Braquis bei Verdun, Frankreich

Blue Horse I , 1911
Oil on Canvas
Gallery in the Lenbachhaus , Munich

14,8 x 10,5
1,20 €
  VD 216

Marc Franz
born 8. Februar 1880 in München - † 4. März 1916 in Braquis bei Verdun, Frankreich

Horse , 1914
Fine Art Greeting Card + Envelope
Watercolour, Body Colours, Indian Ink
Staatliche Graphische Sammlung München, Munich

17,5 x 12,2
2,98 €
  VD 2200031

Marées Hans von
1837 - 1887

The Oarsmen
Berlin, ehem.Staatliche Museen Preuÿ?.Kulturbesitz - Nationalgalerie

10,5 x 14,8
1,10 €
  PK 41

Marin J.

Camden Mountain across the Bay

10,5 x 14,8
1,10 €

Marquet Albert
1875 - 1947

The Pont Neuf at Night
Musée d???Art Moderne, Paris

10,5 x 14,8
1,10 €
  A 58

Martin Pierre
ca. 1663 - 1742

The Battle of Vienna , 1683
Oil on Canvas . Bavarian Staatsgemaeldesammlungen (Old Pinakotheque) Munich

10,5 x 14,8
1,10 €
  WoK 3896

Martini Simone
about 1284 - 1344

The Angel of the Annunciation
Fine Art Greeting Card + Envelope
Koninklijk Museum voor Schone Kunsten, Antwerpen

17,5 x 12,2
2,98 €
  VD 205247

Martini Simone
about 1284 - 1344

The Virgin and Child
Wallraf-Richartz-Museum, Cologne . Also available as an art print (Piperdruck) : order no. PD 218

14,8 x 10,5
1,10 €
  PK 218



14,8 x 10,5
1,10 €
  A 196

Master / Moulins


14,8 x 10,5
1,10 €
  JKL 218

Master Martin (german)

Guido von Columna - Paris Kidnaps Helena

14,8 x 10,5
1,10 €
  JKL 440

Master of "Perle von Brabant"
1450 - 1490

The Adorationi of the Magi - Detail
Old Pinakothek, Munich

14,8 x 10,5
1,10 €
  A 209

Master of Cologne
about 1400

The Madonna with the Tare
Wallraf-Richartz Museum, Cologne . Also available as an art print (Piperdruck) : order no. PD 87

14,8 x 10,5
1,10 €
  PK 87

Master of Flémalle (Robert Campin)
born around 1375 propably in Tournai - ✝ 26. April 1444 in Tournai

Oil on Wood
Musée des Beaux-Arts Dijon

14,8 x 10,5
1,20 €
  VD 8357

Master of Salzburg
about 1516 - ✝ Master of the Thenn-Children-Drawings

Portrait of a Child
Städelsche Kunstinstitut, Frankfurt am Main . Also available as an art print : order no. G 121

14,8 x 10,5
1,10 €
  A 18

Master of the "Albrechtsaltar"
First Half of the 15th Century

The Visitation , 1438
Oil on Wood . Austrian Gallery in the Upper Belvedere, Vienna

14,8 x 10,5
1,10 €
  WK 462

Master of the Female Half-Length
active 1525 - 1540

Portrait of a Woman

14,8 x 10,5
1,10 €
  JKL 355

Master of the Life of Mary
Second Half of the 15th Century

The Annunciation (Detail)
Oak Wood with Canvas
Bavarian Staatsgemaeldesammlungen (Old Pinakotheque) Munich

10,5 x 14,8
1,20 €
  VD 2559e

Master of the Monastery Schotten - Vienna
2nd Half of the 15th C.

The Adoration of the Magi , around 1470/80
Oil on Wood . Austrian Gallery in the Upper Belvedere, Vienna

14,8 x 10,5
1,10 €
  WK 464

Master of the Viennese Adoration

Birth of Christ

14,8 x 10,5
1,10 €
  A 154

Matisse Henri
1869 - 1954

Still-life : Flowers and Ceramic
Frankfurt / Main, Städelsches Kunstinstitut . Also available as an art print (Piperdruck) : order no. PD 254

14,8 x 10,5
1,10 €
  PK 254


Holy Family, St.Cathrine, Little John

10,5 x 14,8
1,10 €
  JKL 393

Memling Hans
1433 - 1494

Angel with Lute

14,8 x 10,5
1,10 €
  A 145

Menzel Adolph von (Friedrich Erdmann)
1815 - 1905

The Flute-Concert of Friedrich II. (Detail)
Berlin, Staatl.Museen Preuÿ?.Kulturbesitz - Gemäldegalerie . Also available as an art print : order no. G 140

14,8 x 10,5
1,10 €
  A 59

Messina da

Virgin and Child

14,8 x 10,5
1,10 €
  JKL 30

Meytens Martin von
actual Mytens oder Mijtens . born 24. Juni 1695 in Stockholm - ✝ 23. März 1770 in Vienna

Maria Theresia and Franz Stephan v.Lothringen
Double Portrait . Theresianische Akademie, Vienna

10,5 x 14,8
1,10 €
  WoK 3849

Michelangelo Buonarroti
born 6. März 1475 in Caprese (im Casentino ✝ oberes Arnotal nördlich von Arezzo), Toskana - ✝ 18. Februar 1564 in Rome

Creation of Adam , c. 1511
Detail of the ceiling fresco in the Sistine Chapel

10,5 x 14,8
1,20 €
  VD 8614

Millet Jean-François
born 4. Oktober 1814 in Gruchy, Normandie - ✝ 20. Januar 1875 in Barbizon

Buckwheat Harvest
Oil on Canvas . Museum of Fine Arts, Boston

10,5 x 14,8
1,10 €
  WoK 3872

Millet Jean-François
born 4. Oktober 1814 in Gruchy, Normandie - ✝ 20. Januar 1875 in Barbizon

Angelus , 1957/59
Oil on Canvas
Musée d'Orsay, Paris

10,5 x 14,8
1,20 €
  R 0539


Holy Trinity

14,8 x 10,5
1,10 €
  A 74

Miniature from the National Bibliotheque Vienna

Creator, Measuring the World
Illumination : page of a Bible Moralisée, french - middle of 13th Cent. - National Library, Vienna

14,8 x 10,5
1,10 €
  JK 1036

Miró Joan - Miro
born 20. April 1893 in Mont-Roig del Camp bei Tarragona (Katalonien/Spanien) - ✝ 25. Dezember 1983 in Palma de Mallorca

Blondie in the Park of Attractions , 1950
Fine Art Greeting Card + Envelope
Oil on Canvas
Nationalgalerie Berlin, Berlin

12,2 x 17,5
2,98 €
  VD 203178

Miró Joan - Miro
born 20. April 1893 in Mont-Roig del Camp bei Tarragona (Katalonien/Spanien) - ✝ 25. Dezember 1983 in Palma de Mallorca

The Singing Fish

14,8 x 10,5
1,20 €
  VD 5789

Miseroni Ottavio
✝ - 1624

Reverse of a Commesseo, Enamel - around 1600

14,8 x 10,5
1,10 €
  WoK 9341

Modersohn-Becker Paula
1876 - 1907

Self Portrait with a Necklace

14,8 x 10,5
1,10 €
  A 98

Modigliani Amedeo
born 12. Juli 1884 in Livorno - ✝ 24. Januar 1920 in Paris

Woman of Algeria
Cologne, Wallraf-Richartz-Museum . Also available as an art print : order no. G 151

14,8 x 10,5
1,10 €
  A 82

Modigliani Amedeo
born 12. Juli 1884 in Livorno - ✝ 24. Januar 1920 in Paris

Reclining Nude , 1916
Oil on Canvas
Collection E.G.Bührle, Zurich (Dauerleihgabe im Kunsthaus Zürich, Zürich)

10,5 x 14,8
1,20 €
  VD 5796

Moessmer F. - Pohl W.

Coronation of Maria Theresas in Pressburg , 1741
Hungarian Embassy in Vienna

10,5 x 14,8
1,10 €
  WoK 3862

Moghul School

Before the Thunderstorm

14,8 x 10,5
1,10 €
  A 266

Moilliet Louis
born 6. Oktober 1880 in Bern - ✝ 24. August 1962 in Vevey

Town in Marocco , 1923
Oil on Canvas
Private Collection, Switzerland

14,8 x 10,5
1,20 €
  VD 8177

Moldovan Kurt
born 1918

Venice - Santa Maria della Salute , 1976
Water Colour

10,5 x 14,8
1,10 €
  WK 432

Moll Carl
1861 - 1945

Flowers in a Glass Vase - around 1925/26

14,8 x 14,8
1,50 €
  LMK 337

Monet Claude
born 14. November 1840 in Paris - † 5. Dezember 1926 in Giverny

Houses of Parliament, Sunset , 1904
Fine Art Greeting Card + Envelope
Oil on Canvas
Kunsthaus Zurich

12,2 x 17,5
2,98 €
  VD 204906

Monet Claude
born 14. November 1840 in Paris - † 5. Dezember 1926 in Giverny

Bridge in Monet's Garden , 1895/96
Fine Art Greeting Card + Envelope
Oil on Canvas
Private Collection

12,2 x 17,5
2,98 €
  VD 2200162

Moore Megan

Bees and Blossoms , 2015
Fine Art Greeting Card + Envelope
Oil on Plywood
Private Collection

12,2 x 17,5
2,98 €
  VD 2200163

Morandi Giorgio
1890 - 1964

Natura Morta - Still Life
Hanover, Sprengel Collection . Also available as an art print (Piperdruck) : order no. PD 234

14,8 x 10,5
1,10 €
  PK 234

Morris William
born 24. März 1834 in Walthamstow bei London - ✝ 3. Oktober 1896

Rose , 1877
Hand Print from Woodblocks
The Whitworth Art Gallery, University of Manchaster

10,5 x 14,8
1,20 €
  VD 2886

Moser Koloman - called Kolo Moser
1868 - 1918

Drawing for a Fashion-Poster (1901?)

14,8 x 10,5
1,10 €
  WoK 6577

13.Jhdt. Chinese

Wild Goose
Berlin, Staatliche Museen Preuÿ?. Kulturbesitz - Museum of East-Asiatic Arts . Also available as an art print (Piperdruck) : order no. PD 189

14,8 x 10,5
1,10 €
  PK 189

Mueller Otto
1874 (Liebau/Schlesien) - 1930 (Breslau)

Two Gipsies

14,8 x 10,5
1,10 €
  SK 39

Mueller Otto
1874 (Liebau/Schlesien) - 1930 (Breslau)

Woman and Child

14,8 x 10,5
1,10 €
  SK 40


The Green Square

14,8 x 10,5
1,10 €
  SK 42

Muenter Gabriele
born 19. Februar 1877 in Berlin - † 19. Mai 1962 in Murnau am Staffelsee

Landscape with Cottage in the Sunset , 1908
Fine Art Greeting Card + Envelope
Oil on Paper on Pasteboard
Kunstsammlungen Chemnitz, Chemnitz

12,2 x 17,5
2,98 €
  VD 208919

Müller Albert
born 29. November 1897 in Basel - † 14. Dezember 1926 im Ortsteil Obino der Gemeinde Castel San Pietro im Muggiotal

Interior With Three Women , 1924
Oil on Canvas
Kunst Museum Winterthur, Winterthur

14,8 x 10,5
1,20 €
  VD 7512

Müller C.

Fanny and Theresa Elssler , 1841

14,8 x 10,5
1,10 €
  WoK 6362

Murillo Bartolomé Esteban
born 1. Januar 1618 in Sevilla - ✝ 3. April 1682 Sevilla

Boys Playing a Game of Dice , 1670/75
Oil on Canvas
Bavarian Staatsgemaeldesammlungen (Old Pinakotheque) Munich

14,8 x 10,5
1,20 €
  VD 788

Muthspiel Agnes
* 8. Februar 1914 (Salzburg) , ✝ 3. Mai 1966 (Salzburg)

Spires of Salzburg , 1956
Oil / Fiberboard

10,5 x 14,8
1,10 €
  WK 607

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