Art Postcards; Kunstverlag Reisser Vienna.
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Pacher Michael (3)
Palma Vecchio Jacopo (4)
Paolozzi Eduardo (1)
Papentin Frank (6)
Paquier Manufaktur du (1)
Parmigianino (2)
Patinir Joachim, also de Patinier (3)
Paulsen Julius (1)
Paumgarten Franz Xaver Frh. von (1)
Pechstein Max (4)
Peiffer Watenphul Max (6)
Pellegrini Carlo (4)
Penck A.R. (actual Ralf Winkler) (3)
Pencz Georg (1)
Peploe Samuel John (1)
Perugino Pietro (9)
Pesne Antoine (1)
Pettenkofen August von (3)
Petter Franz Xaver (2)
Pfahler Georg Karl (1)
Pfister Albert (2)
Pforr Franz (1)
Picard Georges (1)
Picasso Pablo (159)
Pillement Jean-Baptiste (1)
Pinturicchio (1)
Pissarro Camille (12)
Platzer Johann Georg (1)
Pock Alexander (6)
Polak V. (1)
Poliakoff Serge (1)
Polke Sigmar (6)
Pollaiuolo Antonio - also Veneziano (2)
Pollock Jackson (1)
Pontormo Jacopo da (2)
Pope Clara Maria (1)
Post Frans (1)
Pouilly M. (1)
Poussin Nicolas (6)
Poynter Sir Edward John (1)
Prayer Book (21)
Previtali Andrea (1)
Prince Richard (1)
Purrmann Hans (2)
Putz Leo (2)
Masters of the 19th Century
New Masters
Old Masters
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Fine-art prints shop:
Shop > Artists with P > Here you see some of the most favoured art-postcards with "P".
born 11. Januar 1503 in Parma - ✝ 24. August 1540 in Casalmaggiore near Parma - actual Girolamo Francesco Maria Mazzola

Bow-Carwing Amor - around 1533/34
Kunsthistorisches Museum, Vienna

14,8 x 10,5
1,10 €
  WoK 1162

Patinir Joachim, also de Patinier
vermutlich zwischen 1475 und 1480 in der Nähe von Dinant - ✝ 5. Oktober 1524 in Antwerpen

The Repentance of Saint Jerome

14,8 x 10,5
1,10 €
  MKL 162

Pechstein Max
born 31. Dezember 1881 in Zwickau - ✝ 29. Juni 1955 in Berlin

Sunrise, 1933
Oil on Canvas . Saarland Museum, Saarbrücken

10,5 x 14,8
1,20 €
  VD 4098

Perugino Pietro
1446 - 1523

Madonna and Child with Saints
Also available as an art print : order no. J 314

14,8 x 10,5
1,10 €
  JKL 36

Pettenkofen August von
1822 - 1889

Children Fishing in a Brook
Also available as an art print (Piperdruck) : order no. PD 136

10,5 x 14,8
1,10 €
  PK 136

Petter Franz Xaver
1791 - 1866

Oil on Canvas . Austrian Gallery in the Upper Belvedere, Vienna

14,8 x 10,5
1,10 €
  WoK 5768

Pfister Albert
1884 - 1976

Fruit Still Life
Oil on Canvas
Private Collection

14,8 x 10,5
1,20 €
  VD 7513

Pfister Albert
1884 - 1976

Landscape with House, Dog and Cow , 1914
Oil on Canvas
Sammlung G. & W. Merzbacher

10,5 x 14,8
1,20 €
  VD 7505

Picasso Pablo
born 25. Oktober 1881 in Málaga, Spanien - † 8. April 1973 in Mougins, Frankreich

The Faun

14,8 x 10,5
1,20 €
  CP 87

Picasso Pablo
born 25. Oktober 1881 in Málaga, Spanien - † 8. April 1973 in Mougins, Frankreich

The Dream , 1932
Oil on Canvas . Private Collection

14,8 x 10,5
1,20 €
  VD 8312

Picasso Pablo
born 25. Oktober 1881 in Málaga, Spanien - † 8. April 1973 in Mougins, Frankreich

Colombe du Festival de la Jeunesse
Fine Art Greeting Card + Envelope

12,2 x 17,5
2,98 €
  VD 205272

about 1454 - 1513

Portrait of a Boy
Gemäldegalerie Dresden, Old Masters . Also available as an art print : order no. M 1139

14,8 x 10,5
1,10 €
  PK 11

Pock Alexander
1871 - 1950

Piaffe , Spanish Riding School, Vienna
Private Collection, Vienna

10,5 x 14,8
1,10 €
  WoK 5472

Poliakoff Serge
1906 - 1969

Abstract Composition, Maroon
Also available as an art print (Piperdruck) : order no. PD 244

10,5 x 14,8
1,10 €
  PK 244

Polke Sigmar
born 13. Februar 1941 in Oels, Niederschlesien

Levitation , 2005
Fine Art Greeting Card + Envelope
Plastic colour on gauze
Kunsthaus Zürich, Zurich

12,2 x 17,5
2,98 €
  VD 207516

Pollaiuolo Antonio - also Veneziano
1429 -1498

Portrait of a Girl
Oil on Poplar
Berlin, Staatl.Museen Preuÿ?. Kulturbesitz - Gemäldegalerie . Also available as an art print (Piperdruck) : order no. PD 26

14,8 x 10,5
1,10 €
  PK 26

Poussin Nicolas
1594 - 1665

The Empire of Flora
Oil on Canvas
Dresden, Gallery of Fine Arts
Also available as an art print (Piperdruck) : order no. PD 19

10,5 x 14,8
1,10 €
  PK 19

Prayer Book

Birth of Christ
German Illumination

14,8 x 10,5
1,10 €
  JK 1045

Purrmann Hans
1880 - 1966

Still Life with Flowers

14,8 x 10,5
1,10 €
  A 193

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